TimberTech Buildings: sold in 14 states

After long and hard work we are proud to share our important result regarding the software TimberTech Buildings. Thanks also to the translation in four languages (Italian, English, Spanish and Greek) we were able to sell it and distribute it in more than 14 countries worldwide.
In the map below you can view the places where some of the licenses have been activated (purchased by professionals and companies and educational versions given in use to students and professors).

Our resellers abroad.

04/04/2018 – Ver. 67 – DXF export of floor and roof elements, possibility of defining walls with no tensile connections, NTC 2018 set as default reference Code

In the latest version of the software we have added the following new features:

  • DXF export of floor and roof elements: it is now possible to export a DXF file that contains the geometrical characteristics of floors, roofs and all their components.
  • Added the possibility of defining walls with no tensile connections: it is now possible to manually define walls without tensile connections and to set the connection auto-design so that it removes those connections when not loaded.
  • NTC 2018 set as default reference Code: the new Italian Standard D.M. 17 January 2018 is now the default reference Code of the software
  • Bug fixing and small improvements